ADELT: Transpilation Between Deep Learning Frameworks


We propose Adversarial DEep Learning Transpiler (ADELT) for source-to-source transpilation between deep learning frameworks. Unlike prior approaches, we decouple the transpilation of code skeletons and the mapping of API keywords (an API function name or a parameter name). ADELT transpile code skeletons using few-shot prompting on big language models. Based on contextual embeddings extracted by a BERT for code, we train aligned API embeddings in a domain-adversarial setup, upon which we generate a dictionary for keyword translation. The model is trained on our unlabeled DL corpus from web crawl data, without using any hand-crafted rules and parallel data. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art transpilers on multiple transpilation pairs including PyTorch-Keras and PyTorch-MXNet by 15.9pts and 12.0pts in exact match scores respectively.

2024 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Linyuan Gong
Linyuan Gong
PhD Student in Artificial Intelligence

Research large language models (LLMs), including pretraining, prompting, and evaluation.